25 Celebrities Who Got Away With Major Crimes Thanks To Top Defense Lawyers

Some criminal defense attorneys are able to work miracles. With the right group of attorneys, it is possible to get out of nearly any type of crime. As long as you've got the money to hire a good lawyer you can even get out of murder. Being famous helps too. Don't believe it? Check out these 25 celebrities who just received a slap on the wrist for breaking the law, when they should have done jail time! #1 and #2 were found not guilty of murder even though they had evidence!

"Snoop Dogg was arrested and put on trial in connection with the death of Philip Woldermariam, a member of a rival gang, after his bodyguard McKinley Lee shot and killed him back in 1993. Even though the rapper had been driving the vehicle from which the shooting commenced, Snoop and his bodyguard were acquitted of murder charges on the grounds of self-defense thanks to their dream team of lawyers." One of the defense lawyers was super attorney David Kenner. As long as you're a famous rapper, you can obviously get out of murder. Congratulations Snoopy.

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